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Issue Title
Vol 8, No 11 (2020) Software for the representation of deliberative argumentation: the conceptual foundations and the properties of classification and use Abstract   PDF (Russian)
E. N. Lisanyuk, D. E. Prokudin
Vol 10, No 10 (2022) Software implementation of algorithms for segmentation and search for deformation’ zones of the alloys’ microstructure based on their metallographic images Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Kirill Androsov
Vol 9, No 2 (2021) Software routing protocol development for improving ad hoc network energy efficiency in emergency localization mode Abstract   PDF (Russian)
N.A. Judin, T.A Prikhodko
Vol 9, No 6 (2021) Software system for automating a car service using a cross-platform web application for mobile and stationary devices Abstract   PDF (Russian)
E.G. Komissarova, V L. Kuvshinov, V.V. Baranyuk
Vol 12, No 3 (2024) Solving the location-allocation problem of charging stations for electric vehicles on maps using machine learning Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Anna Mishkina, Ilya Egorov, Anton Anyukhin
Vol 12, No 1 (2024) Solving the problem of recognition and segmentation of images of natural resources deposits based on an ensemble of neural networks Abstract   PDF (Russian)
A.I. Komarov, V.V. Kholmogorov, E.M. Zabotkina, A.I. Vakulenko, D.I. Chugunova
Vol 3, No 12 (2015) Solving weakened cryptanalysis problems for the Bivium cipher in the volunteer computing project SAT@home Abstract   PDF
Oleg Zaikin, Alexander Semenov, Ilya Otpuschennikov
Vol 7, No 6 (2019) Some aspects of group management of multicomponent system objects based on bioinspired algorithms Abstract   PDF (Russian)
V.V. Nechaev, D.V. Minyaylo
Vol 10, No 1 (2022) Some cardinality estimates for the set of correlation-immune Boolean functions obtained by the mapping AC^w Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Katerina Karelina
Vol 10, No 12 (2022) Some issues of increasing the competitiveness and maturity of infrastructure projects using information modeling technologies Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Mihail Shahramanjan, Vasily Kupriyanovsky
Vol 8, No 8 (2020) Some more on omega-finite automata and omega-regular languages. Part I: The main definitions and properties Abstract   PDF
Boris Melnikov, Aleksandra Melnikova
Vol 7, No 4 (2019) Some more on the equivalent transformation of nondeterministic finite automata. Part I. Notation and the "combining" algorithm Abstract   PDF
Boris Melnikov
Vol 7, No 9 (2019) Some more on the equivalent transformation of nondeterministic finite automata. Part II. The "deleting" algorithm Abstract   PDF
Boris Melnikov
Vol 7, No 12 (2019) Some more on the equivalent transformation of nondeterministic finite automata. Part III. The “adding” algorithm Abstract   PDF
Boris Melnikov
Vol 9, No 7 (2021) Some More on the Modeling Context-Free Languages by Nondeterministic Finite Automata Abstract   PDF
Tatiana Generalova
Vol 6, No 12 (2018) Some results of the functioning and construction of question-answering sensor systems Abstract   PDF (Russian)
V. A. Mochalov, A. V. Mochalova
Vol 9, No 3 (2021) Some theoretical issues related to the description of practical algorithms for constructing spanning trees Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Yulia Terentyeva
Vol 11, No 3 (2023) Sound augmentation methods Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Yulia Romanovskaya, Eugene Ilyushin
Vol 6, No 10 (2018) Specificity of information security in the Internet of Things Abstract   PDF (Russian)
A.M. Polegenko
Vol 7, No 3 (2019) Spectral Inversion in Estimation of Change in the Dominant Frequency of the Wave Field Abstract   PDF
Fedor Krasnov, Alexander Butorin
Vol 11, No 1 (2023) Spring Bed Mattress Recommendation System Using Simple Additive Weighting Method Abstract   PDF
Rofi Aditya, Wirawan Istiono
Vol 12, No 4 (2024) SQL query synthesis software based on the met-amodel of the BlockSet toolkit Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Nikolay Kozyrev, Pavel Keyno
Vol 12, No 1 (2024) S-symbolic environment of artificial intelligence Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Alexander Ilyin, Vladimir Ilyin
Vol 4, No 8 (2016) Standards for creating Smart Cities roadmaps by the example of BSI Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Oleg Karasev, Dmitry Namiot, Nikita Utkin, Dmitry Yartsev
Vol 5, No 6 (2017) State, Innovation, Science and Talents in Measuring the Digital Economy (UK Case Study) Abstract   PDF (Russian)
Igor Sokolov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Dmitry Namiot, Vladimir Drozhzhinov, Andrey Bykov, Sergey Sinyagov, Oleg Karasev, Andrey Dobrynin
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