Telecommunications as a decisive link in the digital economy. Experience of Russia

Igor Sokolov, Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Dmitry Namiot, Sergey Seleznev


In this paper, the tasks of the digital economy and the role of telecommunications are discussed. In part 1, we provide the analysis of the development of communication networks, the Soviet communications and control systems: EASC and UGCC, the development of telephone equipment in the Soviet era: CEAMTS and ESKTT. As per the post-Soviet period, we provide the introduction of signaling of the SS-7 (OKS-7 in Russia) and an intelligent network. Part 2 deals with the following tasks: creating an emergency call system "112", ensuring the cyber-security of the critical infrastructure, creating a hardware and software complex "Safe City", the leading role of Rostelecom in building the information society.  Also, we discuss two communications strategy for Russia – rely on foreign manufacturers or the development of import substitution and own production.

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