Development of a cybersecurity threat model for electronic control units in a car

K.I. Takhautdinova, T.A. Markina


The study describes the process of developing a cybersecurity threat model for electronic control units in a car. The problems in the field of ensuring information cybersecurity of cars and directions in solving these problems are considered. A comparative analysis of standards and regulatory documents in the field of cybersecurity of cars is given. Separately, the construction of the intruder model and the compilation of the threat bank are considered as the most important stages in the construction of the threat model. As a result of the work, a model of threats to the cybersecurity of cars was developed, in which possible internal (3 violators) and external (4 violators) violators were identified, a bank of threats to the security of information security of cars was also developed, including 206 threats, and the classification of threats of the threat bank into sections was made. General recommendations have been developed to ensure the cybersecurity of the vehicle's information system.

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