Security of RFID systems

V. Belsky, E. Griboedova, K. Tsaregorodtsev, A. Chichaeva


Radio-frequency tags (RFID tags) are widely used throughout the world to identify and authenticate objects. Due to the architectural features and in order to minimize implementation cost RFID tags are often subject to considerable restrictions (memory resources, computing power, chip area, etc), which, in turn, has a significant impact on the used cryptographic mechanisms and protocols. Existing cryptographic standards from other fields are not suitable for RFID systems, that is why the development of new RFIDspecific algorithms is necessary. In this article, we give a classification of RFID systems and describe typical scenarios for their use. We focus on the comparative analysis of the existing cryptographic mechanisms, considering the particularities of radio-frequency identification systems. We list important operational and cryptographic features that must be taken into account during RFID system development. We conclude with an overview of currently known security models that are used to analyze cryptographic protocols for RFID systems.

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