An approach to extraction, explication and presentation of contextual knowledge in the study of developing interdisciplinary research areas

Olga Kononova, Dmitry Prokudin


The development of the processes of Informatization and digitalization leads to the formation of new interdisciplinary scientific directions that affect both the dynamics of social development and the correction of the direction of scientific research. At the same time, digital transformations of society often outstrip the processes of transformation of science, forcing science to constantly improve both technologies and applied software tools. The article considers using methods of extraction, research and presentation of contextual knowledge in the study of the development of the terminological base of developing interdisciplinary research areas on the example of the direction "Social and ethical aspects of the digital economy: gamification in the social, scientific and educational spheres" in the context of the development of urban information space. The main aspects of using gamification technologies in urban development are revealed. The article presents the dynamics of changes in the subject of publications and draws conclusions about the development of these areas in the Russian scientific discourse and its compliance with world trends. The main term-concepts involved in the formation of the thesauri of the interdisciplinary research direction "Social and ethical aspects of the digital economy: gamification in the social, scientific and educational spheres" are also identified. The research was carried out on the basis of information extracted from various digital sources, including scientific publications-collections of Russian-language (ELibrary) and English-language scientific publications (Scopus, ScienceDirect) and the content of social and political discourse (media) over the past 10 years. The authors applied the scientific method of automated extraction and explication of contextual knowledge (synthetic method) from the array of information resources of textual modality. An approach to the presentation and uses of the results as a machine-readable thesaurus as a set of identified terms is also proposed. Russian-language libraries ELibrary and T-Libra, multilingual environment Voyant-Tools are used as search and data analysis tools. An information system based on Open Journal Systems is used to present the thesauri.

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