Criteria for the Selection of IT Projects Based on the Public Value Concept

Dmitrii R. Trutnev


The paper provides an overview of the approaches used in world practice to assess the results of state IT projects from the point of view of the public value they create. A method of preliminary assessment and selection of IT projects based on the described approaches and analysis of key factors is proposed.

A review of publications devoted to the assessment of the created public value indicates that this direction of research is promising and actively developed by a large number of research teams around the world.

While most of the research in the described area is dedicated to assessing the public value created by IT projects based on the opinions of interested party’s analysis, the author proposes an adaptation of existing theoretical developments for the purpose of preliminary assessment and prediction of the created public value based on an analysis of key factors affecting the expected IT project results.

The paper presents the concept and the main sources of public value created by state IT projects, the rationale and the proposed model of an cognitive map for integrated predictive effectiveness assessment of IT projects and the results of its experimental verification.

It seems that this model can serve as a basis for a preliminary assessment and selection of IT projects proposed for implementation in the framework of the Smart City programs.

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