Technology for assessing the heating of rock during a fire in an underground research site laboratories

Irina Pozharkova


The article is devoted to mathematical modeling of processes during a fire in an underground research laboratory of a final isolation facility for radioactive waste. Methods for calculating heat transfer in solids, which are used in studies devoted to analyzing the stability of tunnel structures in case of fire, are considered. A functional assessment diagram was constructed based on numerical modeling of the heating of rock enclosing an underground research laboratory. Input parameters that are significant from the point of view of the problem being solved have been identified, characterizing, on the one hand, the geometric, thermophysical, and fire hazardous properties of the object under study, and on the other hand, specific settings of the modeling environment. The process of creating a model of an underground research laboratory in FDS format is described, the values of the setting parameters are indicated, and the rationale for the components used is given. Measuring elements are presented that are used to save the estimated physical quantities during the calculation process and provide the possibility of subsequent visualization of the simulation results in accordance with the outputs of the functional diagram. The results of modeling a fire in an underground research laboratory for various scenarios of its development are presented. The ranges of changes in the parameters of the gas environment, heat flux density and temperature on the surface of the fences, the temperature inside solid bodies have been established when varying: the type of combustible load, the thermal properties of the rock, and the initial temperature. The prospects for using the presented technology are formulated, including for validly setting the conditions for conducting fire tests of rock samples, checking the effectiveness of fire protection systems at the site, and setting up neural network models.

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