Methods, algorithms and hardware for protecting integrated circuits from unauthorized access

Anton Boronnikov


The paper presents the results of research in the field of trusted design of integrated circuits. The main methods of protection of integrated circuits are considered. A promising direction is highlighted in the using physical unclonable functions’ form to use their responses in the unique identifiers’ form. The work of a physical unclonable function of the arbiter type and the main schemes with this function for generating identifiers are analyzed in detail. The main existing methods and hardware solutions for the identification of integrated circuits are considered and their disadvantages are identified. A method of data encryption using metastable states of the physical unclonable function of the arbiter type has been developed, which allows generating a unique key value with each new clock cycle. A hardware functional block is proposed designed to automatically set the arbiter of a physical unclonable function to a metastable state for the subsequent operation of this block in the mode of generating truly random numbers. An original method of decoding encrypted data using a functional encryption block based on a physical unclonable function of the arbiter type, based on a change in crystal temperature, is proposed. A scheme and algorithm for activating the resources of an integrated circuit have been developed, which are maximally protected from reverse engineering.

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ISSN: 2307-8162