Review and comparative analysis of attack and defence algorithms on graph-based ANN architectures

Dovlet Kirzhinov, Eugene Ilyushin


Graphs are all around us; objects in the real world are often defined in terms of their relationships to other objects. A set of objects and the relationships between them are naturally expressed as a graph. Due to the meaningfulness of such a representation of data, which is generated by various artificial and natural processes, training neural networks on such data is a powerful tool. The spectrum of attacks on GNN (Graph Neural Network) architectures is very wide, and for each of the attack methods, it is required to develop and define effective defense techniques, and to investigate the attacks in terms of computational complexity for their possible application on large graphs used in real application cases. This paper is a survey in which the security of such graph neural network architectures is discussed, including attack algorithms and how to defend against them by improving robustness. It also provides some classification of these methods according to various criteria and a review of existing works on this topic.

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